Subcritical: Third Culture Field Notes
Subcritical: Third Culture Field Notes explores an innovative, interdisciplinary collaboration between scientists and artists. Based on a project funded by the National Science Foundation that studies how climate change influences the breakdown of rocks and the cracking of mountains, Subcritical integrates the arts with scientific research to communicate findings. Subcritical brings together scholarly and theoretical essays as well as richly illustrated artwork and case studies of design investigations. This novel work represents the type of multidisciplinary synergies possible when artists and scientists collaborate with each other.
Volume edited by Martha Cary (Missy) Eppes, Marek Ranis, and José L. S. Gámez. Essays contributed by Martha Cary (Missy) Eppes, José L. S. Gámez, Ken Lambla, Brook Muller, Marek Ranis, Monica Rasmussen, and Melissa Riker.
Table of Contents:
- Foreword: Tectonics of Research in Play by Brook Muller
- Introduction by José L. S. Gámez
- Cracking Up by Martha Cary (Missy) Eppes
- Liminal Landscape by Marek Ranis
- With Your Nose on the Rock, It’s All You Can See by Monica Rasmussen
- First Steps: Capacity, or: the Work of Crackling by Melissa Riker
- Geology for Artists, Art for Geologists by Ken Lambla
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